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Infant Feeding Support

Providing support, education, and resources for both breastfeeding and bottle-feeding parents. With additional lactation certification I am here for all of your breastfeeding concerns.

Herbal Support

Providing herbal support for all of your postpartum needs. From herbal baths and teas, to relieving plugged milk ducts I have your herbal needs in mind. 

Family Adjustment

Providing support for the family system in the transition to new life with a baby. This includes partners, siblings, pets, and extended family.

Meal Preparation

(Nutritional Support)

Providing nutritionally appropriate meals designed with specific physiological postpartum needs in mind. Whether it's a mid day snack, or a family meal. I will nourish you, so that you can nourish your baby.

Body Work

Providing client specific support through multiple modalities including herbs, nutrition,  craniosacral, moxabustion, belly massage, belly binding, vaginal steams, compresses etc...

Newborn Education

Providing the basics of infant care, such as swaddling, bathing, cord care, cloth or disposable diapering, infant soothing techniques, and tips to encourage healthy sleep patterns.

Emotional Support

I'm here to listen and hold space for you as you process the big feelings that accompany this transition.

Light Household Care

Providing support with the tasks that will take you away from your precious baby. From dog walking to dishes, I'm here to bring ease to your day. 

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