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Craniosacral Therapy is a holistic therapy that focuses on calming the nervous system to cultivate greater health and well-being. It gently unwinds the nervous system from patterns of stress, compression, hypervigilance, lethargy and inertia to states of ease, resiliency, resource and flow.


Craniosacral Therapy can help you if ...

  • You are experiencing emotional overwhelm

  • You have unresolved trauma from birth, accidents, or stressful events

  • You hold body tension and pain

  • You have structural or postural imbalances

  • You have ptsd, stress, or anxiety

  • You are going through major life transitions (birth of a baby, moving, breakups, grieving etc.)

How you might benefit from a Craniosacral Therapy Session:

  • Increased energy and vitality

  • Less stress and anxiety

  • Release of body tension

  • Less reactivity

  • Greater sense of well-being

  • Realignment of structure 

  • Hormonal balance

  • Release of trauma

  • Feeling more connected to your Source

 Craniosacral Therapy can help your baby if ...

  • They are unable to sleep or are restless when sleeping

  • They nurse well on one breast but seem uncomfortable on the other side

  • They seem tense and restless, and it's difficult to cuddle him/her

  • They have difficulty latching onto the breast

  • They make a lot of “slurpy” or clicky noises during feeding

  • They have problems with gas

  • Breastfeeding is painful for the Mother

  • They have reflux 


How baby might benefit from a Craniosacral Therapy Session:

  • Improved sleep

  • Nursing freely on both breasts

  • Relaxed and calm, and cuddly

  • Improved latch

  • Improved digestion

  • Breastfeeding without pain for the Mother

During a session you will be fully clothed and I will use gentle touch to make contact with either your feet, cranium, sacrum, along the spine, or any area needing attention, such as pelvic bowl, heart space, arms, legs, knees, and shoulders. You will lay on your back or side,  whichever brings the most comfort. My sessions are held with the intention to support you in connecting deeply to your own body and your innate ability to heal yourself form within.

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